A List of common tools for a web developer

3 min readJan 9, 2021
Photo by Katie Rodriguez on Unsplash

I would like to share with you my daily tools. The tools are not many, may only be one of each type , which is just what I usually use.

  1. Editor

1.1 VS Code

The community support is strong, there are many plugin libraries to help improve efficiency.

2. Notes

2.1 Notion

this is all-in-one note, supports markdown ,the free version is very powerful and enough to use, support both pc and mobile .

3. Mind mapping and Brainstorming Tool

3.1 Xmind

designed to generate ideas, inspire creativity, brings efficiency both in work and life.

4.Terminal tools

4.1 iTerm2

Good-looking and easy-to-use terminal tools


No client app, just type the command line directly

6.Proxy Application

6.1 Charles

When do mobile development, we often need to intercept network packets for analysis in order to debug the network communication protocol with the server.

7.Solve problems

7.1 Google

Learn how to use search engines efficiently

7.2 MDN Web

It is a free website that gathers many Mozilla Foundation products and web technology development documents

7.3 Can I Use

Here you can check the compatibility of a certain Html , CSS, JavaScript, in different browsers

7.4 StackOverFlow

Technical Q&A community, You can find answers to most technical questions here

7.5 Wappalyzer

Find out the technology stack of any website.If you are interested in the technology stack of a certain website, you can use this website.

Hope these software and websites are helpful to you.

